Python guide
How to connect
Python package
naredbe sve
import Spectral_BLDC as Spectral
import time
# Init comms channel
Communication1 = Spectral.CanCommunication(bustype='slcan', channel='COM41', bitrate=1000000)
# Init motor object
Motor1 = Spectral.SpectralCAN(node_id=0, communication=Communication1)
while True:
# Send this msg to the motor controller, it will respond with position and speed data
# Get CAN msg, timeout tells us to continue if there is no msg after in this case 0.2 s
message, UnpackedMessageID = Communication1.receive_can_messages(timeout=0.2)
# If there was a msg unpack it
if message is not None:
print(f"Message is: {message}")
print(f"Node ID is : {UnpackedMessageID.node_id}")
print(f"Message ID is: {UnpackedMessageID.command_id}")
print(f"Error bit is: {UnpackedMessageID.error_bit}")
print(f"Message length is: {message.dlc}")
print(f"Is is remote frame: {message.is_remote_frame}")
print(f"Timestamp is: {message.timestamp}")
# Here we unpack the data from the packet
# We are interested in position and speed data that was requested by calling Send_Respond_Encoder_data
print(f"Motor position is: {Motor1.position}")
print(f"Motor speed is: {Motor1.speed}")
print("No message after timeout period!")
time.sleep(1 )