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UART interface

The UART interface is more interactive and user-friendly compared to CAN. With just a serial monitor and a USB-to-serial device, you can communicate with your motor and receive interactive, human-readable responses.


  • Passing human-readable data is slow and limiting if you aim for high-performance control.
  • Only one device per UART channel, so no daisy chaining.
  • Susceptible to noise.

Default baud rate is: 256000 (Max tested baudrate is 1000 0000)

How to connect

  • TODO how to connect to serial adapter

Voltage warrning

Spectral micro UART port uses 3.3 volts. Using 5V will destroy your board!


UART pins

Take note that UART is connected TX to RX and RX to TX

Using serial monitor

Download Putty from this link: Modified Putty


You need to have Putty from above link to add CR LF option. Stock Putty cant do that!

Step 1 Step 2
Go to keyboard tab and Select CR LF option Enter serial port of your adapter and enter speed; Click Open



Download VScode from this link: VS code Open Spectral firmware in VS code (You will need to install Platformio extension)

Step 1 Step 2
Made sure your platformio.ini file looks like this (usually platformio will auto detect the COM port) Click the icon marked in red and that will open a serial terminal




Download Arduino from this link: Arduino

Select matching COM port of your serial adapter


For boards we usually select "Adafruit Circuit Playground"


In tools tab press Serial monitor


UART protocol

All commands need to start with # and end with CR + LF (carriage return \r + Newline (Line Feed) \n).


Usually CR + LF is inserted by the terminal you use when you press enter.

All commands are response-only; that means the motor driver will never send data over UART unless it receives a request from the host.

Cyclic commands

Only exceptions are cyclic commands that allow you to set up motor driver to periodically send some data.

Aftter # You can enter your command. For example: #Error
Commands that are type set/get can have a number argument after command name. Number argument for command can be one of following types as described in table column "Input Data type"

  • int - positive and negative integer values
  • float - positive and negative float values
  • bool - 0 or 1

Commands and numbers need to be seperated by a single space! Example: #LED 1

Commands are case sensitive!

Command names are case sensitive and need to be same as in the table to be registred.

Template of command:
#Name number

Here are few examples:

  • Calling #P 100 will set our motor to positon mode with setpoint of 100 and return its current position, but calling #P will only return current positon of the motor.
  • Calling #V 1000 will set motor to velocity mode with setpoint of 100 and return its current velocity, but calling #V will only return current velocity of the motor.
  • Calling #LED 1 will enable led indication on the motor and #LED 0 will disable it; also both examples wilL return its current status. Calling only #LED will tell us the current status.

As you can see Responses of Set/Get commands do not change if they have number command after command name. So calling #P and #P 100 will have same response; defined in Response tab of the table.

Action commands

Commands of type action do not take any second arguments.

Cyclic commands:
There are few cyclic commands available. they initiate a motor to send data every timeinterval we set.

  1. Cyc
  2. Cyca

List of commands

Motion commands

Name Type Input Data type Desciption Response
Iq Set/Get float Switches actuator to current control mode and sets current setpoint to Iq value. Iq value [mA]
V Set/Get int Switches actuator to velocity control mode and sets velocity to setpoint V Velocity value [Encoder ticks/s]
P Set/Get int Switches actuator to position mode and sets positon setopint to P value Position [Encoder ticks]
PD Set/Get int Switches actuator to Impedance PD control mode and sets position setpoint to PD value Current position [Encoder ticks]
PDV Set/Get int Set/Get velocity setpoint when in Impedance PD mode.
Current velocity setpoint when in PD mode
PDI Set/Get int Set/Get current setpoint when in Impedance PD mode Current current setpoint when in PD mode
Openloop Set/Get int Enter open loop mode and spin with speed; Example #Openloop 1000; Motor will use voltage preset given by #Openv command Value of open-loop speed

PID tuning commands

Name Type Input Data type Desciption Response
Kpp Set/Get float Set/Get position loop Kp gain Current value of Kpp
Kpv Set/Get float Set/Get velocity loop Kp gain Current value of Kpv
Kiv Set/Get float Set/Get velocity loop Ki gain Current value of Kiv
Kpiq Set/Get float Set/Get current loop Kp gain (Iq and Id loop) Current value of Kpiq
Kiiq Set/Get float Set/Get current loop Ki gain (Iq and Id loop) Current value of Kiiq
Kpid Set/Get float Set/Get Id current loop Kp gain. Current value of Kpid
Kiid Set/Get float Set/Get Id current loop Ki gain. Current value of Kiid
Vlimit Set/Get int Clamp velocity integrator to the value of Vlimit Current value of Vlimit [Encoder ticks/s]
Ilim Set/Get int Set/Get Iq current limit Current value of Ilim [mA]
Id Set/Get float Set/Get the value of Id setpoint. Usually we do not touch this and should stay at 0 Id value [mA]
KP Set/Get float Set/Get KP of impedance PD loop Current value of KP
KD Set/Get float Set/Get KD of impedance PD loop Current value of KD
Rstint Set/Get bool Set/Get do we want to reset integral accumulators after receiving new setopint, default is 0. 0 if disabled 1 if enabled

Calibration and motor parameter commands

Name Type Input Data type Desciption Response
Cal Action Start motor calibration procedure
R Set/Get float Set/Get phase Resistance Phase Resistance [Ohm]
L Set/Get float Set/Get phase Inductance Phase Inductance [Ohm]
PP Set/Get int Set/get Number of POLE PAIRS! Current nomber of pole pairs
Kt Set/Get float Set/Get Kt (Torque constant) Current value of Kt
KV Set/Get float Set/Get KV (motor velocity constant) Current value of KV
Flux Set/Get float Set/Get flux linkage Current flux linkage value
Magnet Action Gets magnet status Good or Bad
Dir Set/Get bool Set/Get Dir Current value of Dir
Phase Set/Get int Set/Get Phase order Current value of Phase order
Cbw Set/Get int Set/Get current loop bandwidth [Hz] Current current loop bandwidth
Resv Set/Get int Set/Get voltage used when looking for resistance value (Used in #Cal function) Current voltage used when looking for resistance
Calpwr Set/Get int Set/Get max power that can be used during Inductance and resistance search (Used in #Cal function) Current calibration power
Openv Set/Get int Set/Get voltage used during open loop operation (Used in #Cal function and when using #Openloop) Current open loop voltage
Opens Set/Get int Set/Get open loop calibration speed (Used in #Cal function) Current open loop calibration speed
Vp Set/Get int Set/Get phase order search voltage (Used in #Cal function)

Utility commands

Name Type Input Data type Desciption Response
Idle Action Set motor to idle state
Save Action Save current config to EEPROM
LED Set/Get bool Enable disable LED status Current status of LED indication; 0 is off, 1 is on
Reset Action Reset the MCU
Default Action Load default config to EEPROM **Note this will rewrite all data saved in eeprom (including serial number, hardware version, batch date...) Before using it make sure to manually backup any important data.
Temp Action Get termistor temperature in degrees Temperature in degrees
Term Set/Get bool Enable/disable termistor mesurment 0 disabled 1 enabled
Mode Action Get current operating mode Operating mode (Open loop, Idle, Positon control...)
Vbus Action Get current value of Vbus current value of Vbus [mV]
Error Action Get current state of all errors List of errors
Clear Action Clear all errors and go to idle; *NOTE: this will not clear calibration error if drive is not calibrated.
Iabs Action Get value of motor phase currents value of phase currents [mA]
Close Action Enter closed loop mode
PWM Action Get value of PWM values Current PWM values
Info Action Get Information about motor driver and motor Motor information
Param Action Get all currently set PID parameters for every control mode PID parameters
Cyc Set/Get int Periodically send messages
Cyca Set/Get int Periodically send messages arduino format
CANID Set/Get int Set/Get CAN ID (can be from 0 - 15) Current CAN node ID
SERNUM Set/Get int Set/Get motor controller serial number Current serial number of motor controller
Calibrated Set/Get bool Set/Get motor calibration status. *NOTE: calling #Calibrated 1 will set controllers calibration status to 1 but motor controller might not be properly calibrated. To run auto calibration run #Cal command Calibrated or not calibrated
Activate Set/Get bool Activate the motor (Not used in this version of code)
Pullconfig Action Prints all motor data over serial; used for updating the Spectral motor GUI Motor data seperated by single space char

Gripper commands

Commands used when in gripper mode. Procedure:

  • Gripper 1 (Tells our motor controller we are using it as gripper)
  • Gripcal (this will calibrate the gripper)
  • Gripvel x (x is value from 0 - 255; 0 being min speed 255 max speed)
  • Gripcur x (x is value from 0 - 1000 [mA])
  • Grippos x (x is vale from 0 - 255; 0 being fully open 255 fully closed)
Name Type Input Data type Desciption Response
Gripper Set/Get bool Set/get Am I a gripper Is this device gripper or not
Gripcal Action Start gripper calibration None
Grippos Set/Get uint8_t Set/get desired gripper setpoint position (from 0 to 255). Also will set gripper into GOTO mode and execute the command Gripper positon value
Gripvel Set/Get uint8_t Set/get desired gripper velocity setpoint (from 0 to 255) Gripper velocity value setpoint
Gripcur Set/Get int Set/get desired gripper current in mA from 0 - 1000 (Note value below 150 are unstable) Gripper current value setpoint; to get current current value use #Iq
Gripact Set/Get bool Set/get gripper activation bit Is gripper activated or not
Gripstop Set/Get bool Set/get gripper Estop bit Gripper estop bit status
Gripinfo Action Print information about this gripper All information about gripper like: is it calibrated, status, endstop values...

Cyclic commands