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General concepts

The PAROL6 robotic arm serves as an exceptional tool for educators aiming to enhance their students' understanding of robotics and automation. Its innovative design and user-friendly features make it an ideal platform for various educational settings. In our commitment to fostering a deep understanding of robotics and empowering educators to enhance their curriculums, the PAROL6 documentation includes a dedicated "Theory Corner." This section serves as a valuable resource for individuals seeking to delve into the theoretical foundations of robotics and educators striving to enrich their teaching materials.

The Theory Corner is designed to provide comprehensive explanations of essential robotic concepts. Whether you're a newcomer to robotics or a seasoned enthusiast, this section offers insights into topics such as kinematics, dynamics, control systems, sensors, programming languages, and more.


This is still work in progress and is being constantly updated!

Want to know more?

Here is a list of great resources that you can use to learn more about robotics:

Basic theory